When Sara Hamilton posted pictures of her dog on a Facebook group called Dogspotting Society, she had no idea that her dog's life was about to change in a way that would never be the same again. It didn't take long for the pictures to go viral, and they got a lot of responses and comments. People on Facebook were immediately drawn to the cute ball of fluff, and some even tagged their friends so they could see this cutie.
Even though his coat looks like an Oreo cookie, this dog's real name is Chief. Sara, Chief's owner, says, "Our favourite name for him is Oreo cloud because he looks like an Oreo Mcflurry fluff." Chief is unique in more ways than just how he looks. He is also intelligent and friendly and trained to be a therapy dog.

This dog was named Chief because he was born to lead, not follow. That he will grow to be about 85 pounds is another reason for this name. Also, this dog was fully housebroken when he was eight weeks old. He learns things quickly and is a good dog.