Do you like birds? This article is for you if you like birds a lot. This time, we'd like to show you some photos of Coots, a unique bird you've probably never heard of.
The American Coot, called the Mud Hen, is a bird about the size of a hen and the size of a duck. They walk more like a chicken on land and swim like a duck in the water. Even though it likes to be on the ground sometimes, it spends most of its time swimming.
The American coot is a bird that moves around a lot. It spends most of its time in North America. During the summer, they breed in the northern U.S. states of New York, Massachusetts, and southern Canada. During the winter, they can be found from Florida to California in the south of the United States. Usually, you can find them in park lakes, ponds, open marshes, and slow-moving rivers.
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